St. Ursula Villa Technology Program
St. Ursula Villa's Technology program is designed to foster interest, develop skills, provoke imagination, and provide basic understanding of the computer as an educational tool in all subject areas. Students should develop a thorough understanding of the impact that computers will have on their person, education, and professional growth.
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Students have weekly instruction in the Computer Lab where they develop skills and become familiar with:
- Basic keyboarding and word processing
- Internet research
- Learn Paint, PowerPoint, and MovieMaker
Intermediate (Grades 4 - 5)
Technology is integrated into the classroom with activities that apply to the specific curriculum such as:
- Students projects using Microsoft Word, Publisher, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Movie projects with MovieMaker
- Newcasts using digital camera and Smart software
- Internet research and citing sources
- Keyboarding, saving/accessing Edline "locker"
- Practice Christian values in working collaboratively with technology in the classroom
Junior High (Grades 6 - 8)
Junior High students each receive a personal tablet for school and home use. Technology is further integrated into the curriculum with activities that apply to the curriculum such as:
- PowerPoint and MovieMaker presentations
- Discussions using a blog
- Researching and writing a term paper with bibliography
- Advanced work with Excel and Publisher
- Virtual field trips