At St. Ursula Villa we believe that social outreach is an integral part of our Ursuline commitment to Christian service. We participate in school-wide drives for food, personal items, and toys, as well as a montly collection of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Our Daily Bread. We recognize our many blessings and seek to help the less fortunate and underserved in our community.
Examples of grade-level projects include:
- Manor House students developed their music skills and created sounds and rhythm during 'Villapalooza' to benefit SCPA and animals.
- Kindergarteners studied plants and nutrition and, with the help of their 6th grade buddies, organized a hop-a-thon to raise funds to buy desks and playground equipment for St. Bakhita School in the village of Kabingo, Uganda.
- First graders deepened their connection with the Ursuline Sisters of Cincinnati, creating placements and cards for the Sisters' special Holy Week meals.
- Second graders incorporated their new cursive skills and proper letter-writing techniques into social outreach by composing and addressing correspondence to Santa, with each letter earning Make-A-Wish Foundation donations to sick children.
- Third graders applied fractions and other Math concepts when cutting and sewing blankets for needy children for Project Linus.
- Fourth graders each made a $10 donation to a project of their choice, documenting their proposal and how a small act can make a big impact on others.
- Fifth and sixth graders learned about Africa in Social Studies and studied nutrition in Science, and then raised money through Burger Farm gift card sales to provide needed medical supplies and other aid to Kabingo, Uganda.
- Junior High students' many projects included donating Drama Club ticket sales to Childhood Food Solutions, collecting cell phones to protect mountain gorilla habitat, gathering diapers and wipes for Pregnancy Center East, raising funds for cancer research, and organizing a shoe drive for the needy.
Service is required of all junior high students as a part of the junior high curriculum.For students in grades K-6, we have adopted an optional service recognition program. Students in those grades who complete 20 hours of community service are recognized with a special award at the end of the year.
Our Chi Alpha Omega Service Organization comprised of junior high students is very active in community work. They have interacted with the children at the Madisonville day care center on a regular basis, after school, for several years. One school day in December is set aside for the junior high students to go out into the community to offer their services to those in need.