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Inquiry and Application Process

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At this time, we are ONLY accepting applications for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. If you would like to be considered for the wait pool (Toddler, Early Childhood, Traditional Kindergarten, 1st grade, 5th grade, and Junior High) please submit a Student Application through our online portal. You will first set up a Parent Account, complete the application, pay non-refundable $75 Application Fee, submit, then receive a confirmation email. 

Please reference this Student Age Guideline chart to assist with student eligibility and program placement.

Toddler/2-year-olds 2 years old on or before August 15 under special circumstances, exceptions may be granted for applicants with birthdates between August 16 and September 1
3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds/Kindergarten 3 years old, 4 years old, and 5 years old on or before September 1 under special circumstances, exceptions maybe granted for applicants with birthdates between September 1 and September 30


2025-26 Inquiry and Application Procedures

Inquiry Form:

To request information about St. Ursula Villa's grades and programs, please complete and submit this Inquiry Form. We will reach out to you to schedule a tour, provide additional information, or help with your school search process.

Student Application Form:

Applying online simplifies submission and allows parents to track the status of their student's application. Begin the online Application Process to submit a Student Application for the 2025-26 school year. 

Applications are currently accepted for the 2025-26 school year. Students applying for 1st - 8th grades should also submit a release of records form (within the online packet) to their current school. Upon favorable review of student records, an interview or shadow day (as applicable) will be arranged. 

Information gathered from the Student Application, previous school records, test results, professional evaluations, and the student shadow day/interview is used in making the admission decision. Parents are notified of an offer to join St. Ursula Villa and sent a link to complete the online Enrollment Agreement. Enrollment is finalized with the completion of the Enrollment Agreement and payment of $500 tuition deposit. 

Application Timeline for 2025-26 Traditional Kindergarten - Junior High:

August 2024 - January 2025: Applications received, records reviewed, tours/interviews scheduled, enrollment contracts for eligible Kindergarten-8th grade applicants sent in January 2025.

Applicants who have completed the aformentioned steps of the admissions process by January 13, 2025 will be included in priority consideration. The 2025-26 application/enrollment process is ongoing through the rest of the school year as openings are available.

Applicants with St. Ursula Villa alumni parents or currently enrolled Villa siblings will receive highest priority status if Student Applications are received by December 10, 2024.

Application Timeline for Toddler, Traditional Preschool, Montessori for 3-6 year-olds:

August 2024: The online portal opens for 2025-26 Student Applications

November & December 2024: Applicants and parents participate in student assessments and family interviews

December 10, 2024: Applicants with St. Ursula Villa alumni parents or currently enrolled Villa siblings will receive highest priority status if Student Applications are received by December 10, 2024.

January 2025: Enrollment contracts are sent to current and new students who are eligible and have completed the admissions process 

February - May 2025: Deadline for enrollment contract return; eligible wait pool applicants are contacted and openings are filled as they become available