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Kindergarten – 8th Grade Summer Camps

Camp Villa, our summer camp program in Cincinnati, has something for everyone—including full-day and half-day options. Here are our summer camp options for 2025 - 2026 school-aged children in kindergarten through 8th grade. Priority registration will open for enrolled 2025 -2026 Villa students February 5th and to the public February 17th, at 8:30 am. 

School-Aged Summer Camps by Date. Catalog of Descriptions here.


  • 8th Grade High School Entrance Test Prep - Tuesday weekly workouts 12:00pm - 1:00 June 10, 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29 and practice test on Tuesday, Aug 5 from 12:00-3:00 and class to go over results on Aug 12 from 12:00-1:00

June 2 - 6
Story-Walk Adventures (1st-3rd) 
Pottery/Wheel Throwing (4th-8th) 

June 9 - 13
Wearable Art (K-2nd) 
American Girl Doll (1st)
Mini Musical (1st-3rd) 
Lego Camp (1st-5th) 

June 16 - 20
Outdoor Explorers (K-3rd) 
American Girl Doll (K) 
Princess Ballet (1st)  
Volleyball (3rd-5th)

June 23 - June 27
Camp Invention (1st-6th) 
Photography (4th-6th) 
Safe Sitter (6th-8th) 


July 7 – 11  
Princess Ballet (K) 
Favorite Holidays (1st-3rd)
Storybook Adventures (2nd-3rd) 
Young Artists (3rd-6th)
Volleyball (6th-7th)

July 14 – 18
New Kids Around the Block (K) 
Olympic French Fun (1st-3rd) 
American Girl Doll (2nd-3rd) 
Favorite Holidays (4th–6th) 

July 21 – 25
Crafting with Legos (K-2nd) 
The Kid's Kitchen (2nd-5th) 
Jack Herman Soccer Camp (K-8th)

July 28 – Aug 1
Time Travel Adventures (K-3rd)
Math Refresher (3rd-4th) 
The Great Villa Bake Off (5th -8th)

August 4 – 8  
Spirit of Dance (2nd-3rd) 
Math Camp (1st)
Math Camp (2nd) 
Italian Cooking Camp (5th - 7th)
8th Grade High School Entrance Test Prep (8th)

Registration Options & Pricing

Camp 9:00am-12:00pm $140
Before care 8:00am-9:00am $42
After care 12:00pm-3:00pm $125
Extended after care 12:00pm-5:30pm $200

* Please note that a few camps operate on a different schedule and therefore have a different price. 

Kindergarten–8th Grade Summer Camp FAQs


  • School-aged camps are for students entering these classes for the 2025-2026 school year.
  • Rising Kindergarteners do have the choice of (K) camps from both the Main School and Manor House. 
  • Camp Villa is open to Villa families as well as members of the general public.
  • Spaces are limited for camps/volunteering and enrollment is on a first-come basis.
  • Staff is subject to change. 
  • Campes are subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. 
  • Refunds will be given only if the school cancels a program.                                                                                                                                                                                     

Snack and lunch:

  • Campers are asked to bring a snack. 
  • Campers who elect for the after-care and extended after-care options will have lunch together; families are responsible for packing a nut-free lunch.
  • Campers must bring a full water bottle each day.

Partial attendance:

  • There will be no refunds or reductions in fees for partial attendance or late arrivals/early dismissals.

Policies and Procedures:

  • Camp Villa will be in keeping with all policies and procedures followed by St. Ursula Villa during the school year, including those pertaining to Behavior/Discipline and any possible Covid-19 restrictions.
  • The state of Ohio requires us to provide the Hamilton County Department of Health number 513-946-7800 and the public children services agency (PCSA) number 513-946-1000 in case you would like to contact the county departments to make a complaint regarding the camp.

Questions? Contact: